Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

it wants to be spring SO bad….

March 9, 2009

Yesterday we were at the beach for a while (friends were launching rockets–don’t you do that?)  Even though it was a gorgeous day, it was very windy.  I tried getting some photos of the kids, but the wind, plus the need to chase the rocket as it was launched, half way down the beach, made for impossible picture taking.  I did manage to get this shot, which was the best I could  do.


Today, it has decided to rain freezing snow.  It’s New England.  At least I got to wear my new rain boots today 🙂

Know what?

March 3, 2009

I should blog more.

Recent mornings…

February 20, 2009

I’m supposed to be at work but my daughter, Miss O. woke me up at 330 am with a fever of 102.  Great.  No NY this weekend either–the grandparents are VERY upset but want her to get better.

Nearly every morning this week, before I have even finished my coffee, the kids and I have been playing Hungry Hungry Hippo.  Remember that game?  I did not know the Hippos have names!  I bet that’s “new.”  Miss O is always the pink Hippo, named Happy.  Mr. J is usually the orange one named Henry, and I am usually the green one named, I’m sorry to say, Homer.  Harry is the yellow Hippo who usually stands alone.

Let me tell you, my kids, esp. Mr. J. is cut-throat at this game!!  It’s a good thing we don’t play for money because I would be broke.  How does he always seem to get the most marbles?

If you don’t have this game, my kids recommend it.  At ages 3 and 5, I think they know what they are talking about.


Protected: School

February 19, 2009

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What I’m currently working on…

February 17, 2009


I have seen these banners on countless blogs, and on etsy, too over the last couple of years, and I have wanted to make them SO badly!!!

100_05771I finally gathered the right fabric that I wanted to use, and set my machine up this morning.  My very UNDERUSED machine.  I barely know how to use it, but I think the project is coming out great.  This will hang in my daughter’s room when I’m done.  I’ve also started a banner for my son with rocket ship and stripes, and squirrel fabrics.  Very boyish, and very cute.

I did not realize people ACTUALLY do this…

February 17, 2009

Last night I asked my mother in law how her family was.  She’s French and still has lots of family in France.  (Don’t ever mention that her mother’s family might actually be Belgian because she might hurt youyou have been warned).  So she told me what she knew, and it’s too bad her nephew & his wife moved to:

Ile de la Reunion.


Ile de la Reunion.  It’s a tiny island off the coast of Madagascar.  It’s “French” you know…  Yeah, the one in the Indian Ocean.  That island…

He and his wife actually moved there to live in paradise because clearly Paris wasn’t cutting it anymore.  Aahhhh, Paris…..

*SIGH* I did not realize that people actually moved to islands in the middle of the Indian Ocean to really try to live a relaxing life.  Now I’m wondering when a good time to go and visit them will be….

So close…well, no, not really….

February 15, 2009

Well, it is official.  Unless the ENTIRE kindergarten class drops out, and the next one too, my son will NOT be going to the charter school I had my heart set on sending him too.  Out of 114 children, only the first 36 got in.  My son was # 111.  (Isn’t that the BEST number?  He’s number 1, and number 1, and number 1– it’s SO obvious he’s Numero Uno!!!!)

That’s OK.  We will just make the BEST out of the regular public school we moved here so that he could attend, anyway.  Sounds like an ugly step-child, doesn’t it?

Thankfully, I AM confident that he will succeed beyond my dreams, even without this school.  He IS that GOOD.


My New favorite Things…

February 14, 2009


My NEW rain boots!!!!!  Do you like them?  Navy blue with pink polka dots–what’s not to love?  J Crew–got them on ebay (I heart ebay) for a steal!!! I really wanted to get these but I couldn’t justify the price, even though I did see someone wearing them just this morning!!!  Yes, I did give her the stink eye.  Sorry.

Now I won’t ruin any more sneakers or bottom cuffs of my pants when I go adventuring with my kids in the woods, or just jumping in the puddles 🙂

Can’t wait for spring to get here so I can wear them!!!

The NHL should be knocking on our door any day now…

February 5, 2009

My husband has been trying to teach my son how to ice skate for the last 3 years to no avail.  This year he has finally got the hang of it!  Our daughter has too.  Nothing like a trip to the skating rink or skating on the pond at the end of our street.  The pond is waaay more fun.  Plus I just have to pack our little red wagon and walk to the end of the street with them, instead of driving 2 towns away for the rink 🙂

Yesterday, my son and I did nothing but shovel about 10 inches of snow off the pond that had fallen the day before.  In only 25 minutes we put an honest dent in it.  Surely we cleared enough space to do some skating today, except that today’s forecast includes wind chills of up to 10 below zero.  We’ll wait until tomorrow to skate.  It promises to be a balmy 28 degrees.  Ahhh, winter in New England 🙂


In a few days we’ll give him his hockey stick and puck and let him go crazy.  He’s got a great arm.  How many pucks will we lose to the snow banks?

This is what I’ve been doing for the last week:

February 5, 2009

Laundry pile after laundry pile of nearly nothing but bedding!  It started a week ago with my son’s bedding, having to wash it everyday for 3 days, followed by two days of no vomiting by anyone (bliss).  Then 2 nights ago my daughter started with this NASTY stomach bug that is making me gag and has me trapped beneath loads of vomit filled laundry and has been leaving my kids drained.   **Sigh**

100_0537This is only part of my daughter’s bedding that was, um, damaged.  Thank God for the soak cycle, and Downey Fabric Softner 🙂