Archive for August, 2006

Sweetness overheard

August 28, 2006

I just heard the tail end of my 2 year olds conversation with his magnetic refrigerator letters.
: “I have to go now letters because I’m thirsty. Is that OK? I’m thirsty. I’ll see you again on Monday. Goodbye letters. Goodbye.”
I can just eat him up.

We’re going on vacation!

August 27, 2006

OK, I don’t know if you can really call it vacation, but still. We’re off to Story Land in good ole New Hampshire! we rented a condo not far from the park, and I have to say that I’m looking foward to it, and not, all at the same time. We’ll be gone only from Tues to Thurs, but God, alot of planning has to go into this! I just made out my list of everything that we’ll need, and I’m really questioning if everything will fit into our station wagon. I’m just gonna have to make it fit. Plus, we’ll need space for all the crap we’re going to buy at the outlets where we will stop on our way home. Maybe it’s time to look into those plastic containers that you can attach to the roof of your wagon (mental note).
I can’t wait to go because I know that my 2 year old will absolutely love everything he will see. And that, to me, is priceless. On the other hand, I will have to be around crowds of people who may or may not be clean or nice. I hate crowds of people. I hate them even more in the heat, so I’m glad this week is supposed to be nice and cool.
I also know that it will be over before I know it, and then I’ll miss it.
Off to pack!

My Babies

August 25, 2006

Going for a ride down the street.

You just wait till your father comes home!

August 25, 2006

This child just might be the end of me. He is 2 1/2 years old and he has a TEMPER. With this temper comes ATTITUDE. If he doesn’t get what he wants, exactly when he wants it, something will be thrown on the floor. This is accompanied by the look that could kill. Depending on the day, I will either try to work with him (be a nice mommy), or scream and yell my head off (bad mommy). Today is one of those days of yelling. I am actually counting down how many hours are left before I have to go back to work tomorrow. 21 hours. 21 hours until my freedom. 21 hours until I can drink an nice hot steaming cup of coffee from a pink paper cup without ANYONE bothering me. 21 hours until I get to talk to my awesome and very cool female co-workers. 21 hours before I can rush off in the car speeding towards the highway. I can’t wait!

Life is SO unfair!

August 21, 2006
Why is this happening?????? This is SO unfair! I am so jealous–yes! green with envy! why am I jealous? Well, because my favorite blogger inthewholewideworld, Chris, from notesfromthetrenches had 2 bloggers visiting her and her family, that’s why! AND, if that wasn’t enough, they got to sleep over and have breakfast there, too! SO UNFAIR!
What? Chris has no idea who I am? SO. She’s still my favorite blogger inthwholewideworld. I wanna be friends with Chris! This is just so unfair! Have I made that point clear?

Old clothes, new clothes

August 20, 2006

I just spent a good half hour upstairs going thru my 2year olds “old” clothes to see what the baby can use for the coming fall/winter season. I also got out a big tub of toddler toys that I also had stashed in the attic so the two would be kept busy with me upstairs.
Now my 2 year ols clothes are not really old. He only wore them a few times before he kept outgrowing everything. But, he is a boy, and the baby is a girl. This means that anything that is remotely unisex, she gets to wear. Anything boyish looks girlish if you add pink shoes and a hair bow, right? That’s what I’m thinking. So, when you see us at the playground, she’ll be the one wearing blue jeans with a red truck patch on the knee, a pink shirt, pink shoes, and a bow in her hair.

Distraction Plan

August 20, 2006

Yesterday was a day for the Distraction Plan. That’s when I’m stressed with one or more of the kids and we need to see and do something different. Hopefully it’s something fun. Yesterday we went to the playground. At 945am. I don’t know how I held out that long. It’s a great park just a 7 minute drive from our house. Playgrounds are my new favorite hangouts because few things wear my 2 year old out like it. He went up the steps and through the tunnel to get to the slide over and over. Then he went to up the stairs, ran across the bridge that’s about 15 feet up in the air, up some more steps, and down the LONG winding slide. Over and over. Multiply this for 40 minutes and you have one very happy child and one sleepy baby from watching all of this. But most of all I was happy because I wasn’t yelling anymore, and he was having so much fun! Then we went to the library and colored for a while before we headed home.
The Distraction Plan was a success.

August 14, 2006

Would it be bad if I raided the kids piggy banks to pay the babysitter? I mean after all, the service is to keep them entertained. Bad idea, huh? Well, that’s what I nearly resorted to this morning when all I had was a 5 and two singles and a 20. But then I remembered that I stash a couple of dollars here and there!!! I am a GENIUS!!!! Now I’m broke.