Archive for December, 2007

Happiness is a good snow storm

December 19, 2007

We had 18 inches of snow in 2 days!!! The first part of the storm brought fantastic soft snow, perfect for snow ball fights and sledding with your grandmother (woman in red). My son LOVES the snow, and my husband and I actually enjoy it too. We had a lot of shoveling to do, but I don’t mind. My daughter got a shovel full of snow thrown on her face by accident by my father in law. Oh boy. That was not good. My mother in law yelled at him A LOT for that one.

The second part of the storm brought freezing rain which turned everything into solid ice, but we still like it. In fact today was a balmy 35 F! (For you Europeans, that means we only wore one layer and I didn’t even need a hat!–warm).
Fortunately the streets get cleaned and sanded right away, and all night long, so accidents are few.

Snow storm coming

December 13, 2007

We are supposed to get a major snow/ice storm today. I feel like I should be out running errands right now, like return the Richard Scarry videos back to the library, but it’s not even 8am and everything is still closed. What a waste of time.
Instead I’ll do some laundry and try* to take a shower before we run our errands.

try= sneak away from the 2 toddlers

Birthday Party!!!!! She’s 2!!!!!

December 11, 2007

Technically she won’t be 2 until Friday, but this past Sunday was the best time to have her birthday party. We didn’t eat enough sugar on Saturday, so we finished the cookies, and had cake, too! I can’t believe this little baby who slept 17 hours a day for the first 3 weeks of life (mostly during daylight hours) is now a 2 year old who informed me the night of her party that she was “going shopping.” Well, she is a little miss sassy pants!
Happy happy birthday to my baby!

Sugar Cookies

December 11, 2007

Sugar Cookies,
originally uploaded by CathyC2.

After breakfast with Santa at my son’s school on Saturday, we spent half the day at a friend’s house decorating sugar gingerbread cookies. The cookies were delicious and smelled heavenly, but that green frosting was the best thing ever!

Ready for Santa

December 2, 2007

Decorating the tree

December 2, 2007

It was getting a little boring around here…

December 1, 2007
so I decided to get colitis. Yep, uh huh. Acute Colitis. Have you ever had it? This is my first time and it’s SO.MUCH.FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I blame my sister for this. I have had a virus/bad cold for a couple of weeks and she started yelling at me that I am “one of those people” who never go to the doctor yada yada yada. So Wednesday after work I went to the doctor. Turns out I had an ear infection so she started me on an antibiotic that I had never used before. WELL, about an hour later I started with the colitis. Next morning (my birthday) I started with the bleeding.
Of course I thought I was going to die, and berated myself for not choosing who will get my kids if me and Peter should both die (not that he’s dying, thank God!) because we will NOT leave them with who he wants to (if my cousin PL in NJ is reading this, you will get them–Merry Christmas!)
I also made my bed before I went to the doctor. Just in case I died. I rarely make my bed but I didn’t want to embarrass my family! (Oh, you do NOT make your bed every day! PULEEZZZZ!)
Long story short, I ended up at the GI doctor, he assured me that I am NOT dying and started me on 3 meds that I now have to take 3 times a day. I can’t eat anything but bread and tea because my stomach won’t handle anything else right now, and I have lost about 10 pounds, and did I mention I have my sister to thank for all of this?
At least the bread is really good. It’s beer bread that I made in muffin tins this morning. It’s from a mix: Tastefully Simple Bountiful Beer Bread Mix.